
abc abc abc abccc <3

October 3, 2010

I forgot to mention that I’m starting the ABC tomorrow. Oh, I’ve done this diet many times before.. usually getting into day 25-30 and then loosing my goddamn mind. But, the way I see it.. It’s not about how far you GET, it’s about how much you LOOSE. So here I go again..

For those of you’se who don’t know what it is, I’ll post it up here to show you. Don’t tell me it’s unhealthy.. Oh, I already know that.. That’s the main reason I’m doing it. Also, discriminative comments are not needed.

I’ll be posting my progress every day šŸ™‚ This is obviously mostly from myself, but, feel free to follow if it interests you or if you are doing the samee.

I tend to not count my liquids in this diet. So, calorie amounts are based on substantial foods. Not liquids. The liquids are what keep me going so far down the days.

ABC DIET (first ten days)

day1: 500 calories(or less)
day2: 500 calories(or less)
3:300 calories
4:400 calories
5: 100 calories
6: 200 calories
7: 300 calories
8: 400 calories
9: 500 calories
10: fast

I’m excited for this ((=
do not ruin it for me.

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